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DM "slugaholic" Altair Lopez for more information on any of the following subjects!

As a subscriber you will receive the following benefits:


-1 Free raffle ticket for any of the frequent raffles hosted by the GSA on each raffle.
-An interview with you exclusively regarding your pet Slug and you, with full artistic freedom on both sides.



-An exclusive enhancement treatment by specialist Altair Lopez. Simply assign Altair Lopez as master and within a week you will see the results! (A small and large custom image applied to one of your beloved pet Granite Slugs )


-Free admission to the breeding program as stated on the Holosite.

-If you do not have a Granite Slug and wish to obtain one of perfect breed, you can be placed on the waiting list of our special breeding project and a specimen will be selectively set aside for you to obtain.


Be honest, can you say no to this face?




For a lifetime subscription to the Galactic Slugging Association, we only require a one time donation!


send 10,000,000 credits to Altair Lopez and receive all aforementioned benefits.


If you require a little more security than just my cool orange eyes, feel free to purchase a sub for yourself off the TFM.


Just so you know, We are willing to bet our rep on this!! 



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