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Jawa requests outrageous design, back to business as usual.

The Galactic Slugging Association has signed off on a new restoration project examining the lifeforms of various uninhabited planets, Altair Lopez expressed gratitude towards the worlds leaders for allowing his research to continue in a time of great turmoil. a statement from the Overlord from the latest board meeting was leaked; "As the galaxy steers towards a period of lasting peace and stability the GSA will need to show we do not only take pride in growing and perfecting our slugs but the fact we take such pride and effort to achieve that what is seen as an impossibility to achieve. The progress we make in all things speak volumes for our potential, we merely have the slugs to provide the proof." It clearly shows the GSA is not planning to seize expansion any time soon. The board meeting was held because the artist formally known as Nurple had complained regarding the request of Jic Uiji to have the Shield Ship painted he had won in a frequent raffle, according to insiders the design's provided were so outrageous that the flamboyant Nurple wanted to make good on every request the Jawa had made. Speculation circled that each of the 350 chambers were to have a fully stocked bar, Each panel to operate the ship is to be made out of the finest Lowickan and the bridge will be made completely out of tansparisteel that will make for an amazing view.

Hopes are high as the degenerate artist has been seen in the crevices of Naboo with a smile on his face leaving the cantina. All speculation regarding the exit strategy of Overlord Altair Lopez from the GSA board has dimmed and the GSA appears to be as healthy and resilient as ever.

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